
The #diversityinitiative – ideas competition from 1 October to 30 November 2024


We are looking for your project for the “Diverse Switzerland” ideas competition! Are you working with an organisation on a project that brings together people of different generations, languages, gender identities, family histories, physical abilities, lifestyles or budgets? Are you helping to shape Switzerland’s cultural and social life together and making it even more diverse? Then submit your project idea!

We are looking for:

  • Organisations or institutions that work with key persons* to strengthen diversity in society and culture and to facilitate access to offerings for the target groups.
  • Key persons or self-advocates who work together with an organisation or institution for a community and build bridges.
  • Organisations or institutions that want to design and staff their structures and teams inclusively or want to head toward this.

* Key persons are engaged, connected individuals who know what their community needs. They usually come from the community itself and advocate a particular topic. They move out of their “bubble” and build bridges between groups, organisations and communities. For example, they encourage community members to contribute their ideas and perspectives. They open doors and facilitate access to society and culture. 

Tell us about your commitment and enter the #diversityinitiative ideas competition between 1 October and 30 November 2024! The Migros Culture Percentage supports 15 projects with funding from CHF 10,000.– to CHF 50,000.–.


What does diversity mean?

Switzerland is diverse: numerous cultures, languages and lifestyles come together here. Many people in Switzerland are actively engaged in the community and are helping to shape cultural and social offerings.

Diversity is anchored in the Federal Constitution (Article 8). In line with the criteria listed therein for a prohibition of discrimination, we understand diversity to mean that people of all age groups, genders, languages, physical abilities or life situations are part of a community of solidarity and are not disadvantaged. Every person is respected and valued in their own individuality.

Who can enter the ideas competition?

We are looking for:

Institutions or organisations that are active in the social sphere, education, or in the areas of culture or leisure, and that work with key persons.
Key persons are engaged, connected individuals who know what their community needs. They usually come from the community itself and advocate a particular topic. They move out of their “bubble” and build bridges between groups, organisations, communities and cultures. 

For example, they engage in: 

  • projects that offer a straightforward place where people can meet and exchange ideas. These include museums, neighbourhood community centres, open cafés, a choir, an intercultural library or a mentoring programme;
  • associations that bring people together for leisure, sports, music and cultural activities: the group has a common hobby or, for example, starts a theatre project in which everyone is equally involved; 
  • projects that offer opportunities for self-empowerment and self-development, for example coaching or further training programmes. 

Organisations and structures (management, committees, etc.) that not only pay lip service to diversity, but actually live it.
They build teams of people with diverse perspectives and include groups that are underrepresented or find it difficult to gain access. Diversity is taken into account as a matter of course and experienced as enriching. In teams, boards and committees, self-advocates play an equal role and give a voice to the community. 

For example, they ensure: 

  • that teams are more diverse when recruiting new team members. This is anchored in the organisational development. 

The aim here is to achieve the following objectives:

  • Access for all
    You also invite people and groups who find it more difficult to participate in public life. They receive important information from you and can take part in your activities. You encourage the participants to voice their needs.
  • Not for people, but with people (participation)
    It’s not about helping one-sidedly, but about creating an offering together on equal terms. You provide support with further training or coaching so that everyone has a good opportunity to include their interests. 
  • Building bridges
    As a representative of an organisation or institution, you work with key persons – or you are a key person yourself and build new connections between groups, organisations and communities.
  • Diverse team
    Your motto: “The more diverse the group, the more creative the ideas.” Your team or board includes people with diverse perspectives, life stories and experiences. You work together equally and decide democratically. 
  1. Submit your application: Submit your application via the online application portal between 1 October and 30 November 2024
  2. Selection process: A jury will review all submissions in December 2024 and January 2025 and then select those projects that will go forward to the public vote. 
  3. Public vote: At the end of February/beginning of March 2025, the public will vote on 25 projects selected by the jury at engagement.migros.ch. The 15 projects with the most votes will receive funding. 
  4. The 15 projects supported will be notified: By the end of March 2025 at the latest, you will be able to see if your project is being supported. The supported projects receive between CHF 10,000.– and CHF 50,000.– and, if required, coaching or further training.
  5. Payout of the first tranche of the funding: The money will be paid out in two parts – the first half at the end of March 2025. 
  6. “Project room” workshop: Two project rooms will be held on 5 April (morning) and 11 April (evening) 2025. Participation in a project room is mandatory – please reserve both dates in your diary. The project rooms serve as a networking event for the members of the funded projects. At the same time, the participants can help each other with challenging issues in the project process. 
  7. Payout of the second tranche of the funding: In August 2025, the second tranche of the funding will be paid out after an evaluation. 

Who and what is not promoted?

  • Individuals
  • Individual assistance
  • Profit-oriented projects
  • Infrastructure projects, for example the construction of a playground
  • Projects that are common in the context of standard mediation work: intercultural interpreters, sign language, cultural mediation
  • Inclusive workplaces 

Your application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • The application form must be completed in full. All required documents must be submitted. 
  • The application comes from a non-profit organisation (e.g. association, foundation, cooperative) or an institution.
  • The organisation is based in Switzerland.
  • The project is already planned or is being implemented. Projects that have already taken place are not supported.
  • The budget must be plausible and transparent. It is clear what other income the organisation has (money and in-kind).
  • An amount of between CHF 10,000.– and CHF 50,000.– is being requested from Migros Culture Percentage.


  • The project plan must be realistic and feasible.
  • Clear goals and milestones are defined. 
  • Implementation of existing projects and events if they run at least until the end of 2025. 
  • Development and realisation of new projects and offerings with implementation starting within one year.

Social sustainability measures: 


  • All people should have equal access, regardless of their physical, cognitive, cultural, social or financial abilities. At an event, for example, it is ensured that the event is accessible and that everyone can afford to attend.

Respect and protection against discrimination:

  • Strategies to prevent discrimination are in place and can be viewed.
  • Specific measures are implemented to promote respectful togetherness, and cultural sensitivity is encouraged.

Network for impact:

  • Networks are actively used, and cooperation with important organisations, institutions, key individuals and ambassadors is sought.
  • You give your consent to Migros Culture Percentage to allow the public to vote on your idea at https://engagement.migros.ch.
  • If your project is selected, you agree to feature the Migros Culture Percentage logo prominently in your communication.
  • If your project is selected for the top 25, you give us your consent to report on your project or institution on various Migros channels. If possible, you provide us with pictures. 
  • The representatives of the supported projects will attend the half-day networking event (project room).
  • The funded projects submit an interim report approximately six months after the funding decision.
  • Further information and all eligibility criteria can be found in the terms and conditions.


The Migros Culture Percentage #diversityinitiative

Migros Culture Percentage is committed to social cohesion in society and promotes tolerance, understanding and diversity. Improving diversity in everyday life requires the commitment of people who are actively involved in bringing different population groups together. 

Migros Culture Percentage commissioned a nationwide study to find out how diversity is faring in Switzerland. 

The results of the study show that we all tend to surround ourselves with people who are similar to ourselves. This is usually not a conscious choice, but happens automatically over the course of life. We therefore want to strengthen those initiatives that counteract this – initiatives that bring together diverse perspectives deliberately and with great commitment.

The study results have encouraged Migros Culture Percentage to launch a broad-based diversity initiative. The “Diverse Switzerland” ideas competition is the second part of the #diversityinitiative, which will run until June 2025.

Any further questions?

Unsure whether you can submit your idea or project? Zoë Kraushaar will be happy to help: zoe.kraushaar@mgb.ch

Your opinion

The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.