
Engagement Hub Tiefenelement Teaserbox KUNIGO

Migrants support migrants

4'630 Number of votes for this project

KUNIGO relies on migrants’ knowledge to make integration in Switzerland easier for others.

Migrants know best what it takes to find their way in Switzerland. They are the true experts on their own arrival and can open doors for others. This is precisely where the Lucerne-based association KUNIGO comes in: it empowers people who have been living in Switzerland for some time and are trusted members of the community. They become team members and actively shape the programme with their knowledge and experience: there are already computer courses, a laptop helpdesk and a protected meeting place for women* and their children.


From the project team:

«At KUNIGO, I can use my experience and skills to support other migrants.»

Tedros Paulos, Course Instructor at KUNIGO


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Lucerne
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Miscellaneous
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: KUNIGO