Unique commitment
Migros demonstrates commitment to society – contributing 140 million francs each year. It creates a wide range of opportunities and launches bold initiatives in the areas of community, culture, education, health, technology and ethics, as well as climate and resources. As such, Migros Commitment is unique worldwide for its variety, independence and longevity. The idea behind it goes back to the very beginnings of Migros. Migros founder Gottlieb Duttweiler launched it in the early 1940s and even enshrined the Migros Culture Percentage in the Articles of Association as a separate corporate objective in 1957. Ever since, Migros has been passionate and far-sighted in advocating a sustainable quality of life and promoting social cohesion – not just in its core business, but well beyond it, too. The social initiatives of Migros, and therefore Migros Commitment itself, have included the Migros Aid Fund since 1979 and the Migros Pioneer Fund since 2012.
We are committed to helping society and are passionate and far-sighted in advocating sustainable quality of life. We have been demonstrating engagement through the Migros Culture Percentage, the Migros Pioneer Fund and the Migros Aid Fund since 1957. We create a wide range of opportunities, launch bold initiatives and promote social cohesion.
Our commitment in figures
the umbrella brand Migros Commitment was launched. It spans the three funding vehicles Migros Culture Percentage, Migros Pioneer Fund and Migros Aid Fund.
140 million francs
Migros Commitment invests in society each year.
6 subject areas
are funded by Migros Commitment: community life, culture, education, health, climate & resources and technology & ethics.

Migros Culture Percentage
The Migros Culture Percentage supports cultural and social initiatives and unlocks a wide range of opportunities for a broad section of the population. Alongside traditional programmes it specifically highlights visionary social ventures. The Migros Culture Percentage also includes the Migros Club School, the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, the four «im Grünen» parks and the Monte Generoso rack railway. In all, the Migros Culture Percentage invests over 121 million francs each year.

Migros Pioneer Fund
Change the world, and you’ll meet resistance. But progress comes when people with bold ideas and drive take on entrenched structures. Since 2012 the Migros Pioneer Fund has been promoting this courage to transform audacious plans into concrete solutions. We identify trailblazing ideas, give encouragement to pioneers and venture with them into the unknown. We become close partners to them, and provide both funding and practical advice. Each year the Migros Pioneer Fund receives around 18 million francs from the companies of the Migros Group.

Migros Aid Fund
The Migros Aid Fund has been promoting social and environmental projects in Switzerland and abroad since 1979. The 10 regional Migros Cooperatives earmark one million Swiss Francs for this purpose every year. Every year, some 20 projects run by well-known international development organisations and non-profit organisations active in Switzerland are provided with financial assistance.
The Migros Aid Fund supports projects that benefit humankind and nature and that are characterised by a professional and sustainable approach. Projects often focus on disadvantaged groups such as women, children and young people.
In addition to its present project support, in 2022 the Migros Aid Fund is to launch seed funding for small regional projects aimed at promoting economically underdeveloped areas of Switzerland. The new funding tool is directed at regional non-profit organisations (associations, foundations, etc.) based in Switzerland that contribute to the agricultural, tourist, technical and economic development of their region.

Our organisation
Migros Commitment brings together an impressive number of regional and nationwide operators from across the Migros Group as a single organisation.
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