
Engagement Hub Tiefenelement Teaserbox DIMA - Bildung, Kommunikation und Integration

Deaf migrants – strong together

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Deaf migrants support each other in integrating into Switzerland.

Deaf migrants in Switzerland have a particularly difficult time: the wounds of flight and leaving their homeland are deep, while language barriers make access to society difficult. Many have never learnt a sign language or spoken language in their home country and feel isolated. The association DIMA brings together deaf young people and adults with a history of migration. During workshops, people who have been personally affected support each other in coming to terms with their past, discovering their strengths and finding their feet in Switzerland. Because education creates opportunities.


From the project team:

«Empowering deaf migrants gives them access to society.»

Kim Danaci, Communication & Projects, DIMA - Education, Communication and Integration


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Zurich
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Origin
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: DIMA – Education, Communication and Integration