
Engagement Hub Tiefenelement Teaserbox Mazay

First point of contact for refugees and migrants in Bern

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At Café Mazay , everyone helps where they can and receives help where they need it.

Café Mazay is the first point of contact for refugees and migrants in Bern. More than that, it is a meeting place where people with and without a history of migration come together. There are no fixed office hours here, only a lively community that helps and strengthens each other. Anyone who needs support will find a sympathetic ear and receive direct help. The Mazay Association favours diversity in the team: everyone can actively contribute and collaborate. The tasks in the café are adapted to the person's abilities: no perfect knowledge of German is required. For example, two people share the coordination of tutoring and complement each other.


From the project team:

«At Mazay, migrants and Swiss people work together to improve integration in Bern.»

Salome Andenmatten, Management Mazay Association


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Bern
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Origin
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: Mazay Association