
MakeThings: Encouraging DIY

Interior view of a workshop with workbenches and high windows.

In the slipstream of digitalisation, craft activities are currently experiencing a wave of revitalisation. After all, despite all the advantages of artificial intelligence, it is ultimately creativity that separates humans from computers and machines. To cater for the need to be able to make things yourself, a multitude of workshops open to the public have sprung up all around the country. Known as maker spaces, visitors can make use of the rooms, infrastructure and knowledge on offer there.

An online platform for DIY workshops

The pioneering project MakeThings, supported by the Migros Pioneer Fund, is working to rid maker spaces of their niche status. Thanks to a joint online platform, individual initiatives are housed under the same roof, thus freeing them from the administrative burden. The platform also makes the services on offer more accessible by streamlining and harmonising workshops, bookings, payments and access to the spaces.

Creativity as a social resource

The aim of the project is to bring together creative spaces with a view to inspiring more people to tinker, create and get involved in handcrafts. This will enable the resulting creative potential to flow back into society and empower everyone to play an active role in building the future.

MakeThings logo


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