With the support of the Migros Pioneer Fund, Scandens will make it easier in the future to plan and implement energy upgrades for buildings, thus speeding up the transformation towards a climate-compatible construction sector in Switzerland.
To meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, we need to reach climate neutrality as quickly as possible – which necessitates a drastic reduction of our CO2 emissions. There is great potential in the building sector because it is the source of around a quarter of carbon emissions in Switzerland. We know that the solutions require improving the energy efficiency of buildings and making use of renewable energy sources. But frequently the stakeholders lack the knowledge and tools to assess the impact buildings have on the climate and to identify the risks. Moreover, which renovation measures are necessary and how much will they cost?
From the analysis all the way to execution
With the support of the Migros Pioneer Fund, Scandens will make it easier in the future to plan and implement energy upgrades for buildings. A web-based tool offers users – building owners, financial institutions, government agencies as well as architecture and construction firms – a way to evaluate the current climate impact of a property with just a few clicks. It reveals what specific measures can be taken to reduce the current carbon footprint and energy consumption of the building. Scandens takes it one step further and even provides referrals for suitable partners to execute and finance the particular renovation project.
A win-win situation
Scandens is speeding up the transformation towards a climate-compatible building sector in Switzerland. Building by building, Scandens finds the ideal renovation solution, balancing climate protection, affordability and feasibility in the process.

Find out more about this Migros community involvement initiative - perhaps it's just what you're looking for?
Photo/scene: Unsplash
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