Kebab+ support programme: Eating is about more than satisfying your hunger
Kebab+ works with specialists who motivate children and young people to eat a healthy and balanced diet and to have a positive attitude towards their bodies
Project example «Kidz only»
A Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. in Münchenstein: the 10- to 14-year-olds from the region turn up at the «Robi», the community’s Robinson playground. They meet there for their weekly Kidz Only event, where they cook a balanced evening meal and spend a relaxed evening together. In a playful way, they get to know new recipes that are varied, sustainable and tasty.
«Kidz only» is one of the five projects to receive this year’s Kebab+ Award 2021 because it promotes a health lifestyle.
Winners Kebab+ Award 2021
Every year, the Swiss umbrella organisation for work with children and young people (DOJ/AFAJ), the Migros Culture Percentage and Swiss Health Promotion (Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz) support small projects with prizes of up to a maximum of CHF 1500.– per project. The Kebab+ Award 2021 goes to:
- kidz only: 10- to 14-year-olds meet every Wednesday at the Robinson playground in the community of Münchenstein (BL) for a shared evening meal.
- Extrawurst: the association sozialwerk.LGBT+ established a queer meeting place for young people in Graubünden and eastern Switzerland.
- Hämmerplatz 2020: this building site for children run by the Themenspielplatz Emmen, a themed playground in Emmenbrücke (LU), invites young people to come and engage in creative activities.
- Cuistots en herbe: Association Trevadenn in Saint-Imier (BE)
- Résidence d'été: SeJAC in Moutier (BE)
Apply now for the Kebab+ Award 2022
Jury justification:2021:
Kidz Only
The pilot project Kidz Only convinced us through its participation options and flexibility for children from different age groups.
Extrawurst from Chur: Kebab+ supported the purchase and installation of a new kitchen for the first meeting venue for queer people in Graubünden to help create a place where young queer people can be heard and seen. A project like this makes a huge contribution to important prevention work and strengthens these young people.
Hämmerplatz project really impressed us because the children learned to be aware of their surroundings and develop their abilities and risk competence. In this construction site playground, children were made more aware of how to work responsibly with resources and to take care of their environment.
Cuistots en heber (St-Imier)
Cuistots en herbe (Saint-Imier) is a very participative project that enabled children to get to know new types of food, such as edible flowers, and simple recipes that they can cook at home with their families.
Résidence d`été
Résidence d’été from Moutier was a FAST Kebab+ project. We offered this form of support in the summer of 2020 and paid CHF 200.– to each project to promote easily accessible, short-term initiatives during this difficult time. For the young people from Moutier, Résidence d’été was a fabulous opportunity to take some time out, share experiences and discuss many important topics and needs. The specialists involved captured this very effectively in their documentation.
Nutrition and exercise have a huge influence on feeling good about yourself. It is therefore important for children and young people to take responsibility for their own health.
Sarah Stidwill, Programme Manager for Kebab+
Fotos: Kebab+
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