
IntegrART: Information in simple language

Was ist IntegrART?

IntegrART is committed to the inclusion of 
artists with disabilities.

Inclusion means: ensuring a place for everyone 
in all areas of life. 
Including in art. 

IntegrART is supported by the Migros Culture Percentage
The Migros Culture Percentage is an operational unit of Migros. 
The Migros Culture Percentage ensures 
that as many people as possible can enjoy cultural and 
social offerings. 
For example, affordable theatre performances. 

Was does IntegrART want?

We at IntegrART want three things: 

1. We want: 

Artists and performers with disabilities to have 
the same professional opportunities as 
artists without disabilities. 

Artists with disabilities are important. 
They make their own art. 
An art that is interesting to everyone. 

2. We want: 

Individuals with disabilities to be able to 
move independently at cultural events. 

IntegrART events 
take place at various locations. 
All venues are barrier-free and accessible. 
For example, you will be able to find a wheelchair ramp 
or someone who translates into sign language. 

3. We want: 

As many people as possible to understand the everyday life 
and the problems of artists 
with disabilities. 

What does IntegrART do?

1.   Performances 

IntegrART organises different performances every two years
We invite three or four groups of artists. 
The artist groups give a dance or theatre performance. 
Each group includes artists 
with disabilities. 
They come from Switzerland and abroad. 

We want to showcase these performances to as many people as possible – 
people with disabilities and people without. 
Performances take place in Basel, Bern, Geneva and Lugano.   

2.   Formats 

IntegrART organises formats every two years. 
These can be workshops, talks or performances. 
The formats are developed or co-created by people with disabilities. 
We discuss the everyday life of 
artists with disabilities. 
For example: 
Are there barriers for artists with disabilities? 
We look for solutions together

Are IntegrART 2023 event venues accessible?

Almost all event venues are accessible
This means that 
individuals with disabilities can 
move independently at all event venues. 

Information about accessible performances can be found 
on the festival websites: 

Who supports IntegrART?

We receive support for the overall project from 
the Pro Infirmis specialist office for inclusive culture. 
IntegrART has been a carrier of the “Inclusive Culture“ label since 2018. 
A label is an award. 
The “Inclusive Culture” label means that 
all people can experience the cultural programme, 
without having to face obstacles. 
You can find more information on the 
Inclusive Culture website: 

We receive support for the performances from: 

  • wildwuchs Festival in Basel
  • BewegGrund.DasFestival in Bern
  • Out of the Box – Biennale des Arts inclusifs in Genf
  • ORME Festival in Lugano

Your opinion

The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.