
terre des hommes schweiz: Education and income for young people in El Salvador

The young woman Ana Maria Guarjila standing in front of clothing in her shop

The situation for young people in El Salvador is characterised by violence and unemployment. Emigration, particularly to the US, seems to many young people to offer them their only chance in life, both from an economic and a social point of view. This is where the terre des hommes schweiz aid organisation comes in: the organisation shows the young people that there are alternative ways of life, free of poverty and suffering, in their home country.

Local options for young people

The project «Education and income for young people in El Salvador as an alternative to migration» pursues two main goals:

  1. To help young people to successfully run their own small business and earn money. 
  2. To help young people to organise themselves to actively fight for their rights and interests. 
The young woman Brendali las Flores behind the counter in her stationery shop

The young woman Brendali las Flores behind the counter in her stationery shop by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

in order to achieve this, terre des hommes schweiz, working in collaboration with partners on the ground, teaches the young people technical and entrepreneurial skills. They are helped to acquire business and sales acumen. And they are also helped with emotional and character-building skills, so that, for example, they can deal with setbacks in their working lives.

Support for youngsters as a chance for all

By supporting young people, terre des hommes schweiz sees the project offering a particular opportunity. Young people are the direct line to the future – helping them may set critical societal changes in motion.

The young man Joaquin las Flores inspects a hive

The young man Joaquin las Flores inspects a hive by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

Project progress to date

The newly set-up businesses are all very different.  In addition to poultry breeding and keeping pigs and bees, there are banana plantations, locksmiths and motorbike workshops. Catering firms, clothing wholesalers and hairdressing salons have also been founded. 

The young people have stronger networks with each other, and take an active part in public life in their communities. They have already put on dozens of cultural, sporting, environmental and leisure events, including neighbourhood clean-up drives and workshops on dealing with drug issues. And this has improved the youngsters' standing in their villages and communities. 

About terre des hommes schweiz

The not-for-profit organisation terre des hommes schweiz is active in 10 countries in Africa and Latin America. It is engaged in nearly 50 projects, working to improve the living conditions of young people and young adults. Its focus is on:

  • fighting poverty 
  • preventing violence 
  • protecting and promoting sexual and reproductive health


The young woman Ana Maria Guarjila behind the shop window of her clothing shop

The young woman Ana Maria Guarjila behind the shop window of her clothing shop by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young woman Brendali las Flores makes notes in her stationery shop

The young woman Brendali las Flores makes notes in her stationery shop by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus surrounded by green plants

The young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus surrounded by green plants by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

Portrait of the young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus in front of green plants

Portrait of the young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus in front of green plants by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus inspects a green pepper

The young woman Iris Nombre de Jesus inspects a green pepper by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young man Joaquin las Flores behind a bee board

The young man Joaquin las Flores behind a bee board by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young man Manuel Guarjila working on a small metal element

The young man Manuel Guarjila working on a small metal element by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young man Manuel Guarjila working on a motorbike

The young man Manuel Guarjila working on a motorbike by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

The young man Manuel Guarjila with his wife and holding his small daughter

JThe young man Manuel Guarjila with his wife and holding his small daughter by Enrique Alexander Alarcón Marroquín | terre des hommes schweiz

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