
Aqua Alimenta: Water on! Aid for smallholder families in Madagascar

Children playing with an Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

The very name of the development project «CEDAR training centres for the security and autonomy of smallholder families in Madagascar» says it all. Through this venture, the organisation Aqua Alimenta seeks to support smallholder-based agriculture in this African island nation.

A man installing an Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

A man installing an Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

The aim of its eight training centres is to help local people use natural resources sustainably and improve food security. Visitors to the CEDAR centres receive training and demonstrations. The installation of adapted, resource-light irrigation systems plays a very important  role.

Funding priorities

  • Irrigation: Possessing adequate knowledge and using the right techniques for targeted irrigation are key to reliable, better crop yields. 
  • Agroecology: Intelligent production methods mean optimum, diversified crops and healthy food. 
  • Adaptation to climate change: Ecological, climate-friendly agricultural systems mitigate the negative consequences of extreme weather. 
  • More income: Additional harvests and increased productivity enable smallholder families to earn a living. 
  • Support for women: Women smallholders and women‘s groups enjoy more recognition and support. 
Primary school children who live near the CEDAR become more aware of agroecology

Primary school children who live near the CEDAR become more aware of agroecology

Wer profitiert von Aqua Alimenta?

The development project‘s main target group is at least 600 smallholder families. With each family averaging between six and eight members, this means it specifically benefits more than 4,000 people. The project participants pass on their newly acquired knowledge to other small farmers.

And around 500 primary school children can enjoy irrigated school gardens. Finally, the training centres are viewed by about 50 groups of visitors each year.

About Aqua Alimenta

The charity Aqua Alimenta was founded in 1998 under the name «Water for the Third World».

The not-for-profit association with no political or religious affiliation operates in Madagascar, Guatemala, India and West Africa.


A woman using the Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

A woman using the Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

A smallholder watering his plants with an Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

A smallholder watering his plants with an Aqua Alimenta irrigation system

Permaculture garden at a CEDAR, Centres d’Education pour le Développement et l’Autonomie Rurale, in Madagascar

Permaculture garden at a CEDAR, Centres d’Education pour le Développement et l’Autonomie Rurale, in Madagascar

A woman pointing to a vegetable bed

A woman pointing to a vegetable bed

Two men standing in a courgette field

Two men standing in a courgette field

The local partner organisation «Ecovillage Madagascar» talking to a farmer

The local partner organisation «Ecovillage Madagascar» talking to a farmer

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