
Refurbishment of watering systems in Swiss mountain communities

Mountainside with Alpine huts and a spring

The provision of drinking water of sufficient quantity and quality for animals is a key factor in successful Alpine farming. It provides the basis for producing delicious cheeses and creamy Alpine butter. This is where the project «The community of Sargans SG / Refurbishment/modernisation of watering systems on the Tamons and Matells mountains» comes in. 

Good water supply minimises the danger of animals becoming ill and of losing income/operations. In this way, the project makes an important contribution to the future of the Alpine region.

Specifically, the project consists of: 

  • refurbishing 10 spring tappings 
  • renovating 21 existing water wells 
  • laying 6.5 km of water pipes 
  • sinking 17 new concrete wells 
  • building a micro hydroelectric facility 
Cows in the meadows

Cows in the meadows

Good for animals, good for people

The Tamons and Matells mountain regions are home to many animals, in particular cows, goats and pigs.

It is not just their keepers and the people living nearby that benefit from their well-being, but also consumers around the world too. Healthy animals are key to securing the long-term future of Alpine farming and the supply of Alpine cheeses.

The Swiss Sponsorship Organisation for Mountain Communities

The Swiss Sponsorship Organisation for Mountain Communities is a not-for-profit organisation headquartered in Zurich. It supports municipalities and public entities with the financing of the remaining costs of infrastructure projects.

The organisation is diligent in its work: every year its experts assess some 300 applications - on paper and in situ. If a decision is taken to go ahead, the Swiss Sponsorship Organisation for Mountain Communities looks in a targeted way for sources of funding to support the applicants.


Digger and concrete elements on a dirt track

Digger and concrete elements on a dirt track

Mountain spring with peaks in the background

Mountain spring with peaks in the background

Cheese cellar with shelves laden with cheese rounds

Cheese cellar with shelves laden with cheese rounds

Cheese-making equipment and cheese rounds

Cheesemaker in the cheese dairy

Cheesemaker in the cheese dairy

Cows in the meadows

Cows in the meadows

Cows in the meadows

People standing in front of a mountain hut

People standing in front of a mountain hut

Pigs and shovel in the middle of the mountains

Pigs and a digger with a mountain backdrop

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