
POSMO: Collecting data, enabling innovation

Someone with a backpack wearing a wool hat standing at night on a busy intersection of a big city. Photo: Chris Spiegl

If we could understand better how we get around, and make it more transparent for everyone, we could make an impact on the most significant driver of climate change. But at present, our personal mobility data is held by just a few private players, who primarily follow their own financial interests. This stokes the idea in peoples’ minds that their data can be misused. But many people would be prepared to make their data available - provided that it was used for the common good. We need a new model which guarantees transparency and a voice when deciding how the data is handled.  

A mobility data cooperative

The POSMO project intends to show that large quantities of personal data can be managed for the common good. The team has created an ethical and transparent data cooperative to collect and manage mobility data on a central platform. Every individual feeding data into the platform can become a member of the cooperative, and participate in decisions as to what happens to the data. Enabled by the Migros Pioneer Fund, POSMO is undergoing a year-long pilot phase to validate the project, carry out initial market testing, and test technical feasibility. 

An innovation boost for Switzerland 

POSMO intends to make the ethically collected mobility data available for social purposes by making use of core findings. This should give an innovation boost to Swiss researchers, city and mobility planners. 

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