
FAQ: Further information on the project space

Projekt(t)raum_Zermatt-62_Karolina Weinfurtner

The project space offers you the opportunity to develop projects that strengthen the harmonious coexistence of everyone who lives in your region. In a moderated exchange, project creators present their topics and receive new perspectives and impulses from the participants. 

These frequently asked questions (FAQ) will give you an initial direction.

The offer is aimed at people who care about people living together in harmony in their region. They have various roles and perspectives: 

Project makers: people who want to implement a local, social project and are struggling with a particular question.

Co-thinkers: people who are interested in local communities and want to contribute their perspectives to the project makers' plans. This also includes people who can support the project organisers' projects with various resources (e.g. administrative professionals or specialist associations).

The project spaces are thematically open to any kind of project that aims to strengthen harmonious coexistence and a sustainable society. The projects encourage participation, promote diversity and offer opportunities for involvement. For example, a project might connect generations, promote urban or village development, or establish a dialogue or meeting format in a community. The more diverse, the more exciting. 


All stages of project development are welcome: from the first concrete sketch of an idea to its implementation and subsequent plans for improving and advancing an existing framework. A specific question is helpful for the work that takes place in the project space. You should be open to sharing your question with others and listening to their experiences and perspectives.  

Participation is free of charge. Registrations must be received no later than two weeks before the event so that the moderation team has the opportunity to plan the event carefully. We welcome anyone who is willing and able to invest time in improving the harmonious coexistence of people in their region.

To sign up for a project space, click the registration button.

You can then specify whether you are taking part as a project maker or a co-thinker. Project makers have the opportunity to briefly describe their project. The relevant moderation team will contact you in advance by e-mail to find out more about your project and your specific question.

The project space is an event that is moderated by an experienced moderation team on site and incorporates the views of the people present. The events are characterised by a learning attitude and an appreciative atmosphere. Their aim is to promote local social cohesion and strengthen the self-efficacy and resilience of the participants.

For the set-up phase of the project space, Migros Culture Percentage is looking for experienced host teams to take on the role of process facilitators, organise and moderate a project space, and provide follow-up support. To this end, it has launched a call for tenders for a mandate that will run from 16 May 2024 to 23 June 2024. All information can be found in the call for tenders.

Later applications using the following form will be reviewed and considered if possible. 

The moderation teams at all locations work closely with local partners and hosts. These include local clubs, organisations and municipal administrations. They provide premises for the project spaces, advertise the event in their region and/or activate the local target groups. If you would like to participate in this role, please contact the Migros Culture Percentage directly by e-mail at sandro.hodel@mgb.ch.

Participation in the Learning Festival is at the invitation of Migros Culture Percentage, as the number of participants is limited. The aim is to strengthen networking and cooperation among actors in the field of participation. Interested parties can send an  e-mail to sandro.hodel@mgb.ch.

Do you have a question and haven't found an answer here? 

We'll be happy to help you. Please contact us directly: sandro.hodel@mgb.ch

Photo: Karolina Weinfurtner

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