Coaching for national social affairs initiatives

The most important key points
Topic / section
Entry / entry deadline
all year round
Funding type
8 hours of coaching
The Migros Culture Percentage coaching programme supports social initiatives in making progress with their projects.
Are you an association or group committed to peaceful coexistence and cohesion in Switzerland? Would you like to make a greater impact with your project or rethink your offering? Do you want to further develop your structures, involve your community more or take a different approach to teamwork? The Migros Culture Percentage supports you in your challenges with eight hours of coaching.
The following requirements must be met in order to submit an application:
- You are a group that works together, either as an association or a loose network.
- Your initiative is charitable: it pursues a social purpose and is not profit-orientated.
- Your initiative is active in Switzerland: at the local, regional or national level.
- With your activities, you strengthen coexistence and cohesion in society. For example, in the areas of inclusion, education, neighbourhoods, equal opportunities, health, integration, environment, family, youth and old age.
- You are already implementing activities, projects or services.
- You are willing and motivated to invest time in coaching.
- A minimum of two and a maximum of eight people from your initiative take part in the coaching.
- Individuals
- Profit-oriented organisations
- Public-sector organisations
- Initiatives whose purpose and activities lie outside the scope of the Migros Cooperative Federation's Social Affairsprogramme. For example: sports or culture.
What we support
On the one hand, coaching can be about tackling challenges in your project work. On the other hand, it can help you develop as an organisation and as a team. The content of the coaching session is jointly determined by you and your coach.
Possible topics include:
- Review and improvement of your strategy
- Challenges in project management
- Diversity and inclusion in your organisation or group
- Building and maintaining your community
- Teamwork, including dealing with conflicts
- Internal organisation of processes and tasks, clarification of roles
- Topics in the areas of communication, fundraising (no specialist consultation)
- Impact orientation
... and much more.
This Migros Culture Percentage coaching service does not offer specialised consultations or further training, e.g. on legal issues or fundraising. Associations can also find a lot of helpful information, further training and advice at Vitamin B – Fachstelle für Vereine and at Innovage.
Deadlines and decisions
There is no deadline. You can submit an application at any time.
We will let you know within 14 days whether you will receive coaching. If we need additional information from you, we will contact you earlier.
We will inform you of the final decision by email. If you are accepted, we will forward you the contact details of your coach.
Funding type
The grant covers a one-hour initial consultation and eight hours of coaching. We also reimburse travelling expenses incurred for the coaching meetings. The offer is valid for a maximum of eight people per group.
Anna Frey
Topic and Project Manager Social Affairs
Phone: +41 58 570 33 69
FAQ – Questions and answers
Once you have been accepted, get in touch with your coach. You arrange an initial consultation lasting a maximum of one hour. The initial meeting is about discussing your concerns, clarifying expectations and determining the next steps.
Yes, we ask you to list the participants in the application. This will show us that you are applying as a group. The exact composition of your group may change over the course of the coaching.
You decide together with your coach when and where the coaching meetings will take place. We pay attention to your region and needs when allocating coaches. However, it is not always possible to carry out the coaching at your desired location. It is also possible to have online sessions. However, we recommend doing at least part of the coaching hours in person.
No, but you can specify a preference. We will take this into account as much as possible. Migros Culture Percentage works with a network of qualified coaches. For each application, we check which coach is the best fit in terms of professional qualifications, region and language.
Migros Culture Percentage funds a maximum of one hour of initial consultation and eight hours of coaching. If there are reasons why you would like to take fewer than eight hours, we will find a solution together.
Yes, the process should be completed within eight months of the first coaching meeting at the latest.
No. We pay the expenses for the journey from your place of residence or place of work to the coaching meetings and back (public transport, 2nd class, half-fare).
Yes, there are no restrictions on the coaching programme.
Each initiative can benefit from the coaching programme no more than once per calendar year and no more than twice in total.