Names Alanah Rüttiman (30), Sandra Keller (28), Simona Bischof (31) and Gianna Brühwiler (27) (from left)
Places of residence Zurich and St. Gallen
What we are currently doing «When we found out that our song «In Fiction» had won awards in both the «Rock» and «Demo of the Year» categories at the m4music festival, we couldn't believe it at first. This is a huge opportunity for us. 2020 was a difficult year for musicians. The lack of concerts meant that we barely had a chance to make ourselves known to the public. We've been practising together in our present quartet for just over six months, but we haven't yet been able to play a gig together. That hurts. We're therefore all the more delighted that the prize money of CHF 8000 will now enable us to concentrate fully on producing our first album, which we hope to release by the end of the yally want to go full speed ahead.»

The all-female band Batbait on the roof of the multi-storey car park next to the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK), where they shot their last video.
Our roots «The band was founded by Gianna and Sandra while they were both studying Art Education at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZhdK).»
Our philosophy «We often discuss issues addressed in the book «Sex Revolts», which focuses on the perception of women in rock music. We too have had negative experiences in this respect. Female musicians still face a great many clichés. That's annoying and it's high time it finally changed.»
Our first fan «We played our first concert at the ZHdK. The daughter of the organiser drew this flyer especially for our gig. On it was a bat and two baby bats.»
Our location «We shot the video for our latest song, «Telly», on the roof of the Pfingstweid multi-storey car park due to the urban atmosphere and the unique view of the city.»
Our trophies «The two awards are proudly on display in our practice room. They're a huge motivational force for us now.»
Our favourite record «All four of us like the album ‹Help› by Thee Oh Sees, and its cover art also suits us perfectly. The music is a source of inspiration for us.»

Our favourite Migros product
«We always have a packet of popcorn at every band practice session, and it‘s usually empty before we get to our last song.»
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