
Eaternity: A CO2 calculator for food

Four people standing at an island unit on which there are cooking utensils, food and a laptop.

Project completed

The Zurich start-up Eaternity is an organisation that aims to give people access to climate-friendly food. To achieve this goal Eaternity is developing solutions for the food service industry. Its CO2 calculator determines the ecological footprint of a meal.

Healthy and sustainable

The Eaternity pioneer project also aims to show that a more climate-friendly diet can go hand in hand with a healthier diet. Thanks to support from the Migros Pioneer Fund, the factors “organic” and “healthy” are also included in the CO2 calculator’s evaluation. This establishes a groundbreaking standard for labelling especially healthy and sustainable meals. Together with its partners, the calculator has already been used to analyse over 76,000 meals.


Eaternity logo


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