
vitamin B: The specialist unit to help associations

A committee member at work at a bird rescue centre

100,000 - that's how many associations there are in Switzerland. They all do so much to bring people together and help people in many different ways. They enrich the quality of life in our society and nurture democracy.

Training session for the Zurich Flag-Throwing Association

Training session for the Zurich Flag-Throwing Association

Direct support for associations

vitamin B supports and encourages volunteer chairmen and women in their demanding work, and promotes networking amongst them. The specialist unit offers training, advice and information. vitamin B is supported by the Social Services Department of the City of Zurich.

The help offered by vitamin B is available to all associations and organisations providing a benefit to the public and which also stand for the democratic and mutually supportive development of our society.


Young beekeepers working with bees

Club Flugschnaisa: Young beekeepers working with bees

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vitamin B

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