
Kraftwerk: Shaping the future together

Stacked containers in a large hall, towering above people enjoying pre-dinner drinks.

Project completed

The Kraftwerk, a new centre for innovation that spans industries and business, has been opened at the ewz-Unterwerk Selnau in the heart of Zurich. It is based on the conviction that today’s biggest challenges – for example digital transformation – can only be mastered jointly by avoiding silo communication and instead collaborating with a wide variety of those affected. 

A platform for dialogue

The objective of the Kraftwerk is to develop new, productive partnerships between start-ups and large companies, SMEs and universities. For this precedent-setting project, the Migros Pioneer Fund, digitalswitzerland, ewz and Impact Hub Zurich have formed a partnership around the Kraftwerk, primarily as a neutral platform for collaboration between the various partners.

Coworking and events

Concrete programmes drive networking that spans industries and businesses. In this way, the Kraftwerk hosts not only the Kickstart Accelerator, but also the digitalswitzerland challenge initiative and the Podcast Tower.

The Kraftwerk is operated by Impact Hub Zürich and offers not only a coworking space, meeting rooms and a large event venue, but also a café that is open to the public. 


Kraftwerk logo


Find out more about this Migros community involvement initiative – perhaps it’s just what you are looking for? 

Photo / stage: Philippe Rossier

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The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.