
Collaboratio Helvetica: Spotlight on SDGs

A group of young people standing in a circle deep in discussion.

Project completed 

The United Nations has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All countries have committed themselves to meeting these challenges and implementing the goals by 2030. The pioneering project Collaboration Helvetica creates space for dialogue and addresses the issue of what kind of contribution we as Swiss citizens want to make to these SDGs.

The community developing real solutions

Thanks to the support of the Migros Pioneer Fund, Collaboratio Helvetica and its community have explored selected SDGs in thematic Social Labs. They have built bridges between important players and unlikely allies, to jointly deliberate on specific challenges, as well as to develop real solutions and projects. This process is structured to be as open, participative and co-creative as possible, so that the collective impact of Switzerland’s ecosystem can be enhanced.

Broad-based support for the initiative

Collaboratio Helvetica was founded by committed individuals from Impact Hub Zürich, Impact Hub Berne and Impact Hub Geneva, foraus, euforia, GreenBuzz und Coworking Switzerland, and is being supported and collectively designed by representatives of several universities, a variety of businesses, start-ups and NGOs, federal offices, and associations. 




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Collaboratio Helvetica

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