
arvae: Combating the climate crisis together

An orange, knotted organic shape in front of a white sphere and a black triangle.

The good news is that climate change has left the ivory tower of science and become ingrained in our everyday lives and consciousness as a global challenge. Numerous (local) initiatives and experts are actively working on solutions, and the cultural sector has also started to address the issue. The bad news is that people are still all too often only fighting their own corner. This is causing a loss of much knowledge and potential.

Practical collaboration

The project arvae is working with the Migros Pioneer Fund to set up collaborations involving practical elements. It would like to bring together regional experts with scientists and artists and help them to jointly find solutions for existing local environmental problems. In the first step, needs and challenges are identified in close cooperation with the local population affected. Then, specific measures are developed and implemented in areas such as biodiversity, renaturation and sustainability.

We are all the solution

The focus will initially be on the Arosa region. Here, the interdisciplinary team will analyse the diverse ecological and cultural conditions in the area. In addition, arvae wants to increase public awareness that every single person affected can also be part of the solution for overcoming the complexity of the climate crisis.

arvae logo


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