
The Migros Culture Percentage in central Switzerland

Kapelle Pfauenhalde im Seehotel Gotthard

Discover the many facets of Migros Lucerne’s voluntary commitment.

From theatre projects to Scout camps

Migros Cooperative Lucerne engages with the people of central Switzerland through the Migros Culture Percentage. Each year, it lends its support to about 800 projects and events in the areas of culture, social affairs, leisure and sport. From theatre performances, concerts, and Jass evenings to Scout camps, sports events, and social projects -we are passionate about the ventures we get involved in.

Münze wird in rosarotes Sparschwein geworfen

Support with many facets

A request for financial support can be submitted using the web form. The application must be submitted at least six weeks before the event or project start. We consider all applications on the basis of our guidelines and funding criteria.

Our commitment in figures


of applications on average are successful

More than 800

projects and events receive support each year


We support projects and events in six cantons in central Switzerland


Migros Cooperative Lucerne 
Migros Culture Percentage
Head: Verena Randall

Photo/stage: Kapelle Pfauenhalde at the Seehotel Gotthard, ©Thomas Biasotto

The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.