Migros Culture Percentage Aare

The most important key points
Topic / section
Entry / entry deadline
all year round
The Migros Aare Cooperative uses the Culture Percentage to promote cultural diversity and social commitment in the cantons of Aargau, Bern and Solothurn.
- Funding is generally provided for cultural and social institutions that are not self-supporting, profit-orientated or commercially active.
- Applications must be submitted in German or French.
- Applications can only be submitted electronically using the form.
- Applicants are generally not considered anew every year.
- Applicants are considered no more than once a year.
What we support
Migros Aare supports institutions and projects for people of all ages in the fields of culture, society and leisure through the Migros Culture Percentage.
Cultural events, social affairs projects, leisure and popular sports events are treated equally, taking into account all areas of the Migros Aare economic region.
- The categories of poetry, literature, comics and film
- Top-class sports, elite sports
- Publications, printed and online
- Construction and infrastructure costs
- Operating costs, operation of institutions
- Operation of public and private schools
- Private individuals and initiatives by private individuals
- School projects
- Projects abroad
- Charity events
- Pure mediation projects
- Annual fees and memberships
- Purely commercial events and projects
- Specific funding in the area of education, as the Migros Culture Percentage is committed to «Education for All» through the Migros Club School.
Deadlines and decisions
Applications must be submitted via the online form no later than six weeks before the event or the start of the project. Projects that have already taken place and applications that have been submitted too late cannot be considered. Applications may be submitted on an ongoing basis.
You will usually be notified within four to five weeks of submitting your application. Decisions are not commented on and cannot be appealed.
Funding type
The Migros Aare Cooperative’s Culture Percentage provides support in the form of cash contributions and digital Migros gift cards. No donations in kind will be made.
E-Mail: kulturprozent@migrosaare.ch