A tavolata happens when people get together to cook, dine, and enjoy time together. The word comes from the Italian and means «a gathering around a table». The Tavolata communities are self-organising; all the members pitch in at the regular meetings and contribute in their own way to the success of the Tavolata.
How do I start a Tavolata?
Do you want to join an existing Tavolata in your region or start your own Tavolata?
Set up your own Tavolata in four steps:
- Share your enthusiasm for the Tavolata idea with friends and acquaintances. The Tavolata flyer and portrait contain everything they need to know.
- Things will take on firmer contours as soon as you've found a group of interested parties. When and where should you meet? The Tavolata team helps you clarify expectations. The seven simple principles are also really useful.
- Any further questions? The regional contacts will be happy to help.
- Last but not least: register your Tavolata
A successful project to promote nutrition and health.
Tavolata was started in 2010 by Migros Culture Percentage with the aim of creating dialogue and mutual support. People young and old prepare meals and eat together, while also supporting one another in their daily lives. With over 500 Tavolata communities throughout Switzerland the network is making an important contribution to community cohesion and raising the quality of life.

Find out more about this Migros community involvement initiative - perhaps it's just what you're looking for?