
The Culture Percentage at Migros Aare


Through the Culture Percentage, the Migros Cooperative Aare gets involved in the areas of culture, community, leisure, sport and commerce.

Migros Aare voluntarily invests more than 16 million francs each year in a variety of projects and activities. These give a wide audience access to cultural, sporting and social offerings.

Gesuch Migros Aare

Submit application

Migros Aare is always open to new initiatives that it can support through the Migros Culture Percentage.

Drawing of a phone and carrier pigeon

Contact Migros Culture Percentage

Any questions? You can reach us here: kulturprozent@migrosaare.ch

How the Migros Culture Percentage works

Culture Percentage Migros Aare

The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.