
Environmental education for the future

Children listening intently to an adult

We want to make our planet fit for future generations, too. Which is why the Migros Culture Percentage teaches children and young people about nature and the environment.

Responsible children grow up to be responsible adults. The Migros Culture Percentage runs a number of ventures based on this observation. We want children and young people to learn about the natural cycles of the world around us and how to treat the natural world and our resources with care.

Funded projects

The following projects supported by the Migros Culture Percentage raise awareness of tomorrow’s world:

  • Gartenkind: A project that teaches children how to plant vegetables and cultivate plants. They sow vegetables and flowers in their own bed. The children can take home what they harvest. (Link in german)


  • WWF: The WWF’s mission is to help people get excited about the wonders of nature.  In recent years, over 50,000 people have attended the courses and excursions that WWF Eastern Switzerland has held under the auspices of its «Naturelive» programme. The Migros Culture Percentage partners the children’s youth and family programme offered by the WWF East Switzerland section and by «Der Grüne Zweig».


The #diversityinitiative – Together means everyone

The Migros Culture Percentage promotes diversity in the daily lives of people living in Switzerland.