
Culture Office St. Gallen

Interior view of Culture Office St. Gallen

The Culture Office St. Gallen is a point of contact for the region’s creative artists. Through the Migros Culture Percentage, it gives them access to a low-cost infrastructure.

Creative artists in eastern Switzerland can turn to the Culture Office of the Migros Culture Percentage for support for their creative work, find an open ear and be inspired. The Culture Office offers infrastructure and is a source of information.

What is on offer?

From minibus to colour photocopier, from video camera to graphics computer – the Culture Office can supply many of the things that creative artists need for their work, at cost price or free of charge. It also offers them advice, courses and opportunities to showcase their work.

The Culture Office St. Gallen is a project of the Culture Percentage of Migros Eastern Switzerland. There are also Culture Offices in Zurich, Bern, Geneva and Basel.


Culture Office St. Gallen
Blumenbergplatz 3
9000 St. Gallen

Opening hours
Mon–Fri: 13:30 – 18:30
Sat: 12:00 – 16:00

Culture Office St.Gallen

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