
Engagement Hub Tiefenelement Teaserbox Brava

Refugee women are given their voice

336 Number of votes for this project
Whole of Switzerland

The women's rights organisation Brava encourages refugee women in Switzerland to raise their voices and initiate change. 

Brava encourages refugee women in Switzerland to make themselves heard. Brava builds bridges to the media, authorities and politics to initiate lasting change. In inspiring workshops, the women learn to represent their concerns with confidence. The services are easily accessible: with translations into several languages, flexible times and free childcare. This enables more women to take part. They build networks, take part in podium discussions, draw up lists of demands and guidelines and thus campaign for social and political participation. If you like, you can become a coordinator to support other women in your community. Brava empowers refugee women to shape their own future. Their voices count – and they are heard!


From the project team:

«We involve refugee women in decision processes, encouraging them to speak out.»

Tahmina Taghiyeva, Project Manager "Voices of Refugee Women"


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Whole of Switzerland
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Origin
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: Brava (formerly TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland)

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