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The FINTA*Bauen collective is making Switzerland barrier-free

523 Number of votes for this project
Zurich, all of Switzerland

FINTA*Bauen is committed to ensuring that all cultural and meeting spaces in Switzerland are barrier-free.

In Switzerland, many restaurants, cultural venues and meeting places are still not accessible for people with disabilities. This excludes them from participating in cultural and social life. The association “Gemeinsam bauen wir neu” (“Together, we build anew”) and the Avanti network are working on fixing up the future: FINTA*Bauen is a collective of women, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people from the construction and trades sector. They work closely with these demographics – with and without disabilities – to understand and meet the real needs of everyday life.


From the project team:

«FINTA*Bauen makes architecture in Switzerland more equal and inclusive.»

Namila Altorfer, FINTA*Bauen


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Zurich, all of Switzerland
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Gender, Sexual orientation, People with a disability
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: Association “gemeinsam bauen wir neu” / Avanti network

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