Do you have a unique idea? One that might benefit society as a whole? Then our handbook for pioneers will help you get your idea off the ground and go about the right things the right way. It’s extremely practical. The handbook features tips and tricks as well as concrete tools. But, most importantly, it also includes all of the lessons that other pioneers have learned during the Migros Pioneer Fund’s last 100 projects.
The German version of the book will be available in bookshops starting on 25 January 2022, and you can now also read it online in German, French and English. The book’s 12 chapters contain a ton of hacks and tools, together with 0-to-100 moments that let you experience what it feels like to launch a pioneer project. In other words, those little boosts of energy that give you that crucial momentum and show you how to achieve great things. From 0 to 100!
We are giving away 100 copies of the book. Answer our contest question correctly to take part in our prize draw. Good luck!
The contest ends on 30 January 2022.
Photos: ©Jasmin Frei