
Engagement Hub Tiefenelement Teaserbox Aids-Hilfe Graubünden

queerGR – for queer life in Grisons

507 Number of votes for this project

queerGR brings queer people in Grisons together – with a strong network, safe meeting places and counselling.

AIDS Help Grisons created queerGR to offer queer people exactly what is often missing: a supportive community, exchange among each other and genuine social encounters. queerGR makes queer events and meeting places visible and offers individual counselling, all in the local area. Here, people find support and strengthen their self-confidence. At the same time, queerGR is campaigning for greater visibility and acceptance in Grisons. AIDS Help Grisons builds connections with organisations, provides information about queer issues and brings tangible diversity to the region. queerGR is now a permanent fixture, making Grisons even more colourful!


From the project team:

«Queer life in Grisons needs to be more visible, networked and accessible.»

Judita Arenas, Management AIDS Help Grisons


  • standort-Kantone
    Region: Grisons
  • herz-voten-weil
    Diversity dimension: Sexual orientation, Gender
  • tag-Thema
    An initiative by: AIDS Help Grisons

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